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Find a Lot of Bugs When You Clean Your Swimming...
(Repost): Original Post: Jere Schweikert, an entomologist at the California Academy of Sciences, was cleaning the pool in his backyard in Marin County when the opportunity occurred to him. “I just...
Find a Lot of Bugs When You Clean Your Swimming...
(Repost): Original Post: Jere Schweikert, an entomologist at the California Academy of Sciences, was cleaning the pool in his backyard in Marin County when the opportunity occurred to him. “I just...

Tracking the Ghost Cat...
(Repost): Original Post: From under the shade of an oak tree, deep in the forests of the Blue Oak Ranch Reserve in San Jose, the slope descends steeply in...
Tracking the Ghost Cat...
(Repost): Original Post: From under the shade of an oak tree, deep in the forests of the Blue Oak Ranch Reserve in San Jose, the slope descends steeply in...

What's Small, Ladybug-like, and Golden All Over?
(Repost): Original Post: This week’s Ask the Naturalist was sent in by Arlene Nielson from Clayton who happened upon a little speck of treasure in a most unlikely place: Around...
What's Small, Ladybug-like, and Golden All Over?
(Repost): Original Post: This week’s Ask the Naturalist was sent in by Arlene Nielson from Clayton who happened upon a little speck of treasure in a most unlikely place: Around...

The New Butterfly
In the insect world butterflies definitely get all the good press, they are the charismatic microfauna, the tiny pandas, the gleaming ambassadors of our field. And for good reason, BUT...
The New Butterfly
In the insect world butterflies definitely get all the good press, they are the charismatic microfauna, the tiny pandas, the gleaming ambassadors of our field. And for good reason, BUT...

Wood Vibrations
Take a stroll through nature on a sunny day and you might hear a variety of birds calling, bees buzzing, goats yelling, and squirrels making squirrly noises. But what you...
Wood Vibrations
Take a stroll through nature on a sunny day and you might hear a variety of birds calling, bees buzzing, goats yelling, and squirrels making squirrly noises. But what you...

Pretty Pretty Parasite
Next time you are in the garden, and you see something that resembles a tiny, flying rainbow whiz by, rest assured you are not hallucinating! The mirror-like, prismatic color of...
Pretty Pretty Parasite
Next time you are in the garden, and you see something that resembles a tiny, flying rainbow whiz by, rest assured you are not hallucinating! The mirror-like, prismatic color of...